Prenatal Essential Oils Guide
Essential Oils: Pregnancy, Birth, Baby & Postpartum
These oils are my essential go-to’s when you are about to welcome a new baby.
🌱 Balance is a fantastic oil to apply to baby’s feet to align and ground your baby to life outside of the womb. It helps to balance babe to his new surroundings. It's also fabulous to diffuse with Wild Orange in labor to help calm and keep you and those around you focused on your perfect birth.
🌱 Lavender is amazing to apply to baby’s feet with fractionated coconut oil especially in the beginning when babies sometimes have their night and days mixed up. During pregnancy lavendar is great aid for those anxious moments waiting for the new arrival of your baby. To aid with sleep I add a few drops to my hands , take a few deep breaths and whatever is leftover add that to my pillow case. Great way to add a light relaxing scent as you prepare to rest.
🌱 Melaleuca is perfect for occasional dry skin sometimes referred to as cradle cap. A drop of Melaleuca with 2 tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil gently rubbed in baby’s hair will help calm and support a healthy scalp.
🌱 OnGuard is a great oil to diffuse all the time, especially for winter babies to support the whole family’s immune system as well as any visitors you may have.
🌱 Deep Blue and AromaTouch are both super supportive during labor for normal back labor and discomfort, or even the occasional postpartum headache.
🌱 Basil and Fennel are great aids in increasing milk supply.
🌱 Wild Orange is fabulous to diffuse especially on day 4. By day 4 your home from the hospital, spouse may have to go back to work, milk has come in, everyone's life has gone back to normal except yours and it's super easy to feel overwhelmed. Wild Orange’s happiness comes to the rescue on day 4…trust me on this.
🌱 A drop or two of Peppermint in the diffuser is a great pick-me-up when you feel like you’ve been up all night and you just want to go back to bed at noon. Add 2-3 drops of Wild Orange for an instant breath of fresh air. Diffusing these two together will give you the afternoon boost you sometimes need to carry you through the day. Limit use of Peppermint oil if breastfeeding, it can diminish milk supply.
🌱 With any oils and a brand new baby, you just want to be diluting, so make sure you have a great carrier oil. My favorite is fractionated coconut oil.
🌱 The AromaTouch Diffused kit is the perfect kit when you are focusing on Birth, Baby & Postpartum EssentialsPlease let me know if you have any questions. Ready to add this to your delivery bag? Or give this to a new mom as a gift? This set is available at here.
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